Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guys and Rejection

Well I met a very nice guy today. He seemed smart, wise, and sweet. I really liked him a lot. I've never talked to someone so much on the first time meeting them. He's 47 which I think is pretty hot. I don't know why but I like older guys. It just seems like they have it more together and are more knowledgeable about everything. Most young guys only care about sex and beer. Just talking to him was nice. He seemed like the kind of person I'd really like to date. I don't know. There's something about older guys that I'm just attracted to. Maybe it's because they've already made their mistakes and have become much more wise from all of it. I probably sounded like a seventeen year old to him though. I really hate the fact that I still have a childish manner about myself. I bet I sound pretty annoying to people. I must find a way to fix this. Well, he gave me his cell phone number and I asked him if I could call him cause I liked talking to him. He said it was okay to call him. Well I did. Like an hour later I called him up. He said he was doing business. What a doof! I feel like a complete moron messing with people while they're working. I should have waited sooner. But I really liked talking to him cause it just felt like I knew him already. He probably thinks I'm a chatty kid. A chatty annoying kid. I feel so ridiculous for calling him. He said he would call back and didn't. I've been waiting for like five hours for my phone to ring. I should have just left it alone. But I thought just maybe he might like me cause he called me beautiful. He was probably just being nice. I don't know. Should I call him back? I'd probably feel even stupider. This is why I'm just trying to focus on my career for now. Guys are confusing and scary. When you do like one you always fear being rejected by them. I'm just going to focus on getting all my stuff in order to go to school. I'm sad about today but life must go on. I'm sure there's a guy out there for me but the fear of rejection will always make me scared to actually tell someone I like them. I don't know. I have to figure this out or I'll end up an old maid. But being rejected is so humiliating and painful I'm scared to try. Please God help me with this. I need your support to go out there and find someone to spend the rest of my life with. Give me strength God. Help me to be strong in this search for happiness. It's hard dealing with rejection but I'm going to have to face up to it soon if I want to find somebody.

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