Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Day 73. Yes we are on day 73 for all of you who haven't been keeping up with the Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast. This is making me beyond angry. The mere fact that our water is being polluted for days upon days and we have no say in it. They throw chemical dispersant's in our water and we have no say in it. They had no plan for such a spill. They just drilled and drilled and hoped nothing would happen! Their comapny made 500 billion dollars in profit the first quarter alone and they had no plan for an Oil Spill???!!! F them f them f them.! Obviously oil makes the world go round. Everybody uses it. But just because a lot of people use it and want it doesn't mean they don't want you to be careful while getting it. I'm sure everyone would agree on this. Just because something is in demand doesn't mean you have to throw safety and caution aside just to get it. Nobody wants the animals and the water to be polluted just for some goddamn oil! I don't even like them drilling in the water in the first place. But I understand oil is needed. All I'm saying is if you're gonna be drilling in the freakin waters where the freakin fish and sealife live take proper precaution you careless mo-fos! If I was doing something that involved the freakin fish and wildlife I'd be so freakin careful you wouldn't believe! But for a company that made 500 billion dollars in profit the first quarter to make such a mistake is beyond ridiculous! Shouldn't have even happened! 500 billion dollars! 500 billion dollars! I must repeat this! With that much freakin money you could've had 20 plans and a backup plan for the twenty plans! F them F them F them! This is beyond stupid! This is beyond wrong! God help this world and its greedy ways! No care for the innocent wildlife and the people who's way of life is oysters, fish, shrimp, craw fish. Generations upon generations! These companies could care less about the citizens of this world. It is shameful and despicable. Our water may be ruined forever. God knows what this has done to the marine life and the wildlife. This has made me beyond angry. What a disgusting careless world we live in when all people care about is money and profit! Nature comes dead last on the list. They don't value the creations that God has given us. All they care about are their mansions and big jets. Their yachts and their fancy living. They take from nature and destroy it all at the same time. I really must pray for humanity. I don't know how anyone could be so heartless.

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